
                             RFC INDEX

(CREATED ON: 04/20/2014.)

This file contains citations for all RFCs in numeric order.

RFC citations appear in this format:

  ####  Title of RFC.  Author 1, Author 2, Author 3.  Issue date.
        (Format: ASCII) (Obsoletes xxx) (Obsoleted by xxx) (Updates xxx)
        (Updated by xxx) (Also FYI ####) (Status: ssssss)


  ####  Not Issued.

For example:

  1129 Internet Time Synchronization: The Network Time Protocol. D.L.
       Mills. Oct-01-1989. (Format: TXT=298, PS=551697, PDF=197036 bytes)
       (Also RFC1119) (Status: UNKNOWN)

Key to citations:

#### is the RFC number.

Following the RFC number are the title, the author(s), and the
publication date of the RFC.  Each of these is terminated by a period.

Following the number are the title (terminated with a period), the
author, or list of authors (terminated with a period), and the date
(terminated with a period).

The format and length follow in parenthesis.  One or more of the
following alternative formats are listed:  ASCII text (TXT), PostScript
(PS), and/or Adobe (PDF).  Each format is followed by an equals sign
and the number of bytes for that version.  For example (Format:
TXT=aaaaa, PS=bbbbbb bytes) shows that the ASCII text version is aaaaa
bytes, and the PostScript version of the RFC is bbbbbb bytes.

Obsoletes xxxx refers to other RFCs that this one replaces;
Obsoleted by xxxx refers to RFCs that have replaced this one.
Updates xxxx refers to other RFCs that this one merely updates but
does not replace); Updated by xxxx refers to RFCs that have updated
(but not replaced) this one.  Generally, only immediately succeeding
and/or preceding RFCs are indicated, not the entire history of each
related earlier or later RFC in a related series.

The (Also FYI ##) or (Also STD ##) or (Also BCP ##) phrase gives the
equivalent FYI, STD, or BCP number if the RFC is also in those
document sub-series.  Finally, the Status field gives the document's
current status (see RFC 2026).

RFCs may be obtained in a number of ways, using HTTP, FTP, or email.
See the RFC Editor Web page http://www.rfc-editor.org


                                RFC INDEX

0001 Host Software. S. Crocker. April 1969. (Format: TXT=21088 bytes)
     (Status: UNKNOWN)

0002 Host software. B. Duvall. April 1969. (Format: TXT=17145 bytes)
     (Status: UNKNOWN)

0003 Documentation conventions. S.D. Crocker. April 1969. (Format:
     TXT=2323 bytes) (Obsoleted by RFC0010) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0004 Network timetable. E.B. Shapiro. March 1969. (Format: TXT=5933
     bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0005 Decode Encode Language (DEL). J. Rulifson. June 1969. (Format:
     TXT=26408 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0006 Conversation with Bob Kahn. S.D. Crocker. April 1969. (Format:
     TXT=1568 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0007 Host-IMP interface. G. Deloche. May 1969. (Format: TXT=13408
     bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0008 ARPA Network Functional Specifications. G. Deloche. May 1969.
     (Format: PDF=750612 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0009 Host Software. G. Deloche. May 1969. (Format: PDF=722638 bytes)
     (Status: UNKNOWN)

0010 Documentation conventions. S.D. Crocker. July 1969. (Format:
     TXT=3348 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC0003) (Obsoleted by RFC0016) (Updated
     by RFC0024, RFC0027, RFC0030) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0011 Implementation of the Host - Host Software Procedures in GORDO.
     G. Deloche. August 1969. (Format: TXT=46971, PDF=2186431 bytes)
     (Obsoleted by RFC0033) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0012 IMP-Host interface flow diagrams. M. Wingfield. August 1969.
     (Format: TXT=177, PS=1489750, PDF=1163721 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0013 Zero Text Length EOF Message. V. Cerf. August 1969. (Format:
     TXT=1070 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0014 Not Issued.

0015 Network subsystem for time sharing hosts. C.S. Carr. September
     1969. (Format: TXT=10695 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0016 M.I.T. S. Crocker. August 1969. (Format: TXT=682 bytes)
     (Obsoletes RFC0010) (Obsoleted by RFC0024) (Updated by RFC0024,
     RFC0027, RFC0030) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0017 Some questions re: Host-IMP Protocol. J.E. Kreznar. August 1969.
     (Format: TXT=6065 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0018 IMP-IMP and HOST-HOST Control Links. V. Cerf. September 1969.
     (Format: TXT=634 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0019 Two protocol suggestions to reduce congestion at swap bound
     nodes. J.E. Kreznar. October 1969. (Format: TXT=3392 bytes) (Status:

0020 ASCII format for network interchange. V.G. Cerf. October 1969.
     (Format: TXT=18504 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0021 Network meeting. V.G. Cerf. October 1969. (Format: TXT=2143
     bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0022 Host-host control message formats. V.G. Cerf. October 1969.
     (Format: TXT=4606 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0023 Transmission of Multiple Control Messages. G. Gregg. October
     1969. (Format: TXT=690 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0024 Documentation Conventions. S.D. Crocker. November 1969. (Format:
     TXT=3460 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC0016) (Updates RFC0010, RFC0016)
     (Updated by RFC0027, RFC0030) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0025 No High Link Numbers. S.D. Crocker. October 1969. (Format:
     TXT=479 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0026 Not Issued.

0027 Documentation Conventions. S.D. Crocker. December 1969. (Format:
     TXT=3661 bytes) (Updates RFC0010, RFC0016, RFC0024) (Updated by
     RFC0030) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0028 Time Standards. W.K. English. January 1970. (Format: TXT=557
     bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0029 Response to RFC 28. R.E. Kahn. January 1970. (Format: TXT=790
     bytes) (Also RFC0028) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0030 Documentation Conventions. S.D. Crocker. February 1970. (Format:
     TXT=4041 bytes) (Updates RFC0010, RFC0016, RFC0024, RFC0027) (Status:

0031 Binary Message Forms in Computer. D. Bobrow, W.R. Sutherland.
     February 1968. (Format: TXT=11191 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0032 Some Thoughts on SRI's Proposed Real Time Clock. J. Cole.
     February 1970. (Format: TXT=2216 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0033 New Host-Host Protocol. S.D. Crocker. February 1970. (Format:
     TXT=44167 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC0011) (Updated by RFC0036, RFC0047)
     (Status: UNKNOWN)

0034 Some Brief Preliminary Notes on the Augmentation Research Center
     Clock. W.K. English. February 1970. (Format: TXT=2534 bytes) (Status:

0035 Network Meeting. S.D. Crocker. March 1970. (Format: TXT=1282
     bytes) (Status: INFORMATIONAL)

0036 Protocol Notes. S.D. Crocker. March 1970. (Format: TXT=13893
     bytes) (Updates RFC0033) (Updated by RFC0039, RFC0044) (Status:

0037 Network Meeting Epilogue, etc. S.D. Crocker. March 1970. (Format:
     TXT=9107 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0038 Comments on Network Protocol from NWG/RFC #36. S.M. Wolfe. March
     1970. (Format: TXT=2536 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0039 Comments on Protocol Re: NWG/RFC #36. E. Harslem, J.F. Heafner.
     March 1970. (Format: TXT=4779 bytes) (Updates RFC0036) (Status:

0040 More Comments on the Forthcoming Protocol. E. Harslem, J.F.
     Heafner. March 1970. (Format: TXT=3825 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0041 IMP-IMP Teletype Communication. J.T. Melvin. March 1970. (Format:
     TXT=1038 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0042 Message Data Types. E. Ancona. March 1970. (Format: TXT=5247
     bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0043 Proposed Meeting. A.G. Nemeth. April 1970. (Format: TXT=1600
     bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0044 Comments on NWG/RFC 33 and 36. A. Shoshani, R. Long, A.
     Landsberg. April 1970. (Format: TXT=7381 bytes) (Updates RFC0036)
     (Status: UNKNOWN)

0045 New Protocol is Coming. J. Postel, S.D. Crocker. April 1970.
     (Format: TXT=1130 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0046 ARPA Network protocol notes. E. Meyer. April 1970. (Format:
     TXT=41338 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0047 BBN's Comments on NWG/RFC #33. J. Postel, S. Crocker. April 1970.
     (Format: TXT=5343 bytes) (Updates RFC0033) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0048 Possible protocol plateau. J. Postel, S.D. Crocker. April 1970.
     (Format: TXT=41696 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0049 Conversations with S. Crocker (UCLA). E. Meyer. April 1970.
     (Format: TXT=12384 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0050 Comments on the Meyer Proposal. E. Harslen, J. Heafner. April
     1970. (Format: TXT=4070 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0051 Proposal for a Network Interchange Language. M. Elie. May 1970.
     (Format: PDF=967411 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0052 Updated distribution list. J. Postel, S.D. Crocker. July 1970.
     (Format: TXT=5088 bytes) (Updated by RFC0069) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0053 Official protocol mechanism. S.D. Crocker. June 1970. (Format:
     TXT=2330 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0054 Official Protocol Proffering. S.D. Crocker, J. Postel, J.
     Newkirk, M. Kraley. June 1970. (Format: TXT=20131 bytes) (Updated by
     RFC0057) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0055 Prototypical implementation of the NCP. J. Newkirk, M. Kraley, J.
     Postel, S.D. Crocker. June 1970. (Format: TXT=48070 bytes) (Status:

0056 Third Level Protocol: Logger Protocol. E. Belove, D. Black, R.
     Flegal, L.G. Farquar. June 1970. (Format: TXT=13066 bytes) (Status:

0057 Thoughts and Reflections on NWG/RFC 54. M. Kraley, J. Newkirk.
     June 1970. (Format: TXT=8360 bytes) (Updates RFC0054) (Status:

0058 Logical Message Synchronization. T.P. Skinner. June 1970.
     (Format: TXT=3767 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0059 Flow Control - Fixed Versus Demand Allocation. E. Meyer. June
     1970. (Format: TXT=17691 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0060 Simplified NCP Protocol. R.B. Kalin. July 1970. (Format:
     TXT=18941 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0061 Note on Interprocess Communication in a Resource Sharing Computer
     Network. D.C. Walden. July 1970. (Format: TXT=43946 bytes) (Obsoleted
     by RFC0062) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0062 Systems for Interprocess Communication in a Resource Sharing
     Computer Network. D.C. Walden. August 1970. (Format: TXT=55784 bytes)
     (Obsoletes RFC0061) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0063 Belated Network Meeting Report. V.G. Cerf. July 1970. (Format:
     TXT=2961 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0064 Getting rid of marking. M. Elie. July 1970. (Format: TXT=7556
     bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0065 Comments on Host/Host Protocol document #1. D.C. Walden. August
     1970. (Format: TXT=5628 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0066 NIC - third level ideas and other noise. S.D. Crocker. August
     1970. (Format: TXT=4575 bytes) (Obsoleted by RFC0123) (Updated by
     RFC0080, RFC0093) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0067 Proposed Change to Host/IMP Spec to Eliminate Marking. W.R.
     Crowther. January 1970. (Format: TXT=1534 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0068 Comments on Memory Allocation Control Commands: CEASE, ALL, GVB,
     RET, and RFNM. M. Elie. August 1970. (Format: TXT=5041 bytes)
     (Status: UNKNOWN)

0069 Distribution List Change for MIT. A.K. Bhushan. September 1970.
     (Format: TXT=841 bytes) (Updates RFC0052) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0070 Note on Padding. S.D. Crocker. October 1970. (Format: TXT=12790
     bytes) (Updated by RFC0228) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0071 Reallocation in Case of Input Error. T. Schipper. September 1970.
     (Format: TXT=1265 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0072 Proposed Moratorium on Changes to Network Protocol. R.D.
     Bressler. September 1970. (Format: TXT=4047 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0073 Response to NWG/RFC 67. S.D. Crocker. September 1970. (Format:
     TXT=1268 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0074 Specifications for Network Use of the UCSB On-Line System. J.E.
     White. October 1970. (Format: TXT=21368, PDF=521403 bytes) (Updated
     by RFC0217, RFC0225) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0075 Network Meeting. S.D. Crocker. October 1970. (Format: TXT=1318
     bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0076 Connection by name: User oriented protocol. J. Bouknight, J.
     Madden, G.R. Grossman. October 1970. (Format: TXT=26504 bytes)
     (Status: UNKNOWN)

0077 Network meeting report. J. Postel. November 1970. (Format:
     TXT=19196 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0078 NCP Status Report: UCSB/Rand. E. Harslem, J.F. Heafner, J.E.
     White. October 1970. (Format: TXT=1303 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0079 Logger Protocol error. E. Meyer. November 1970. (Format: TXT=1515
     bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0080 Protocols and Data Formats. E. Harslem, J.F. Heafner. December
     1970. (Format: TXT=17620 bytes) (Obsoleted by RFC0123) (Updates
     RFC0066) (Updated by RFC0093) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0081 Request for Reference Information. J. Bouknight. December 1970.
     (Format: TXT=956 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0082 Network Meeting Notes. E. Meyer. December 1970. (Format:
     TXT=38023 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0083 Language-machine for data reconfiguration. R.H. Anderson, E.
     Harslem, J.F. Heafner. December 1970. (Format: TXT=22253 bytes)
     (Status: UNKNOWN)

0084 List of NWG/RFC's 1-80. J.B. North. December 1970. (Format:
     TXT=12613 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0085 Network Working Group meeting. S.D. Crocker. December 1970.
     (Format: TXT=1547 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0086 Proposal for a Network Standard Format for a Data Stream to
     Control Graphics Display. S.D. Crocker. January 1971. (Format:
     TXT=7103 bytes) (Updated by RFC0125) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0087 Topic for Discussion at the Next Network Working Group Meeting.
     A. Vezza. January 1971. (Format: TXT=3593 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0088 NETRJS: A third level protocol for Remote Job Entry. R.T. Braden,
     S.M. Wolfe. January 1971. (Format: TXT=19691 bytes) (Obsoleted by
     RFC0189) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0089 Some historic moments in networking. R.M. Metcalfe. January 1971.
     (Format: TXT=16832 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0090 CCN as a Network Service Center. R.T. Braden. January 1971.
     (Format: TXT=11929 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0091 Proposed User-User Protocol. G.H. Mealy. December 1970. (Format:
     TXT=27005 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0092 Not Issued.

0093 Initial Connection Protocol. A.M. McKenzie. January 1971.
     (Format: TXT=1746 bytes) (Updates RFC0066, RFC0080) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0094 Some thoughts on Network Graphics. E. Harslem, J.F. Heafner.
     February 1971. (Format: TXT=13516 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0095 Distribution of NWG/RFC's through the NIC. S.D. Crocker. February
     1971. (Format: TXT=8938 bytes) (Obsoleted by RFC0155) (Status:

0096 An Interactive Network Experiment to Study Modes of Access the
     Network Information Center. R.W. Watson. February 1971. (Format:
     TXT=11334 bytes) (Status: INFORMATIONAL)

0097 First Cut at a Proposed Telnet Protocol. J.T. Melvin, R.W.
     Watson. February 1971. (Format: TXT=24034, PDF=403375 bytes) (Status:

0098 Logger Protocol Proposal. E. Meyer, T. Skinner. February 1971.
     (Format: TXT=24536 bytes) (Updated by RFC0123) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0099 Network Meeting. P.M. Karp. February 1971. (Format: TXT=1010
     bytes) (Updated by RFC0116) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0100 Categorization and guide to NWG/RFCs. P.M. Karp. February 1971.
     (Format: TXT=62473 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0101 Notes on the Network Working Group meeting, Urbana, Illinois,
     February 17, 1971. R.W. Watson. February 1971. (Format: TXT=30343
     bytes) (Updated by RFC0108, RFC0123) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0102 Output of the Host-Host Protocol glitch cleaning committee. S.D.
     Crocker. February 1971. (Format: TXT=8511 bytes) (Updated by RFC0107)
     (Status: UNKNOWN)

0103 Implementation of Interrupt Keys. R.B. Kalin. February 1971.
     (Format: TXT=7592 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0104 Link 191. J.B. Postel, S.D. Crocker. February 1971. (Format:
     TXT=1017 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0105 Network Specifications for Remote Job Entry and Remote Job Output
     Retrieval at UCSB. J.E. White. March 1971. (Format: TXT=21938 bytes)
     (Updated by RFC0217) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0106 User/Server Site Protocol Network Host Questionnaire. T.C.
     O'Sullivan. March 1971. (Format: TXT=6946 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0107 Output of the Host-Host Protocol Glitch Cleaning Committee. R.D.
     Bressler, S.D. Crocker, W.R. Crowther, G.R. Grossman, R.S. Tomlinson,
     J.E. White. March 1971. (Format: TXT=18109 bytes) (Updates RFC0102)
     (Updated by RFC0111, RFC0124, RFC0132, RFC0154, RFC0179) (Status:

0108 Attendance list at the Urbana NWG meeting, February 17-19, 1971.
     R.W. Watson. March 1971. (Format: TXT=1597 bytes) (Updates RFC0101)
     (Status: UNKNOWN)

0109 Level III Server Protocol for the Lincoln Laboratory 360/67 Host.
     J. Winett. March 1971. (Format: TXT=27716, PDF=645921 bytes) (Also
     RFC0393) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0110 Conventions for Using an IBM 2741 Terminal as a User Console for
     Access to Network Server Hosts. J. Winett. March 1971. (Format:
     TXT=8586, PDF=738470 bytes) (Updated by RFC0135) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0111 Pressure from the Chairman. S.D. Crocker. March 1971. (Format:
     TXT=2098 bytes) (Updates RFC0107) (Updated by RFC0130) (Status:

0112 User/Server Site Protocol: Network Host Questionnaire. T.C.
     O'Sullivan. April 1971. (Format: TXT=1465, PDF=347370 bytes) (Status:

0113 Network activity report: UCSB Rand. E. Harslem, J.F. Heafner,
     J.E. White. April 1971. (Format: TXT=3442 bytes) (Updated by RFC0227)
     (Status: UNKNOWN)

0114 File Transfer Protocol. A.K. Bhushan. April 1971. (Format:
     TXT=38981 bytes) (Updated by RFC0133, RFC0141, RFC0171, RFC0172)
     (Status: UNKNOWN)

0115 Some Network Information Center policies on handling documents.
     R.W. Watson, J.B. North. April 1971. (Format: TXT=16775 bytes)
     (Status: UNKNOWN)

0116 Structure of the May NWG Meeting. S.D. Crocker. April 1971.
     (Format: TXT=2395 bytes) (Updates RFC0099) (Updated by RFC0131,
     RFC0156) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0117 Some comments on the official protocol. J. Wong. April 1971.
     (Format: TXT=7128 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0118 Recommendations for facility documentation. R.W. Watson. April
     1971. (Format: TXT=4573 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0119 Network Fortran Subprograms. M. Krilanovich. April 1971. (Format:
     TXT=39140, PDF=760848 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0120 Network PL1 subprograms. M. Krilanovich. April 1971. (Format:
     TXT=37192 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0121 Network on-line operators. M. Krilanovich. April 1971. (Format:
     TXT=29419 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0122 Network specifications for UCSB's Simple-Minded File System. J.E.
     White. April 1971. (Format: TXT=47638 bytes) (Updated by RFC0217,
     RFC0269, RFC0399, RFC0431) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0123 Proffered Official ICP. S.D. Crocker. April 1971. (Format:
     TXT=4812 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC0066, RFC0080) (Obsoleted by RFC0165)
     (Updates RFC0098, RFC0101) (Updated by RFC0127, RFC0143, RFC0148)
     (Status: UNKNOWN)

0124 Typographical error in RFC 107. J.T. Melvin. April 1971. (Format:
     TXT=659 bytes) (Updates RFC0107) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0125 Response to RFC 86: Proposal for Network Standard Format for a
     Graphics Data Stream. J. McConnell. April 1971. (Format: TXT=8133
     bytes) (Updates RFC0086) (Updated by RFC0177) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0126 Graphics Facilities at Ames Research Center. J. McConnell. April
     1971. (Format: TXT=1974 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0127 Comments on RFC 123. J. Postel. April 1971. (Format: TXT=2305
     bytes) (Obsoleted by RFC0145) (Updates RFC0123) (Updated by RFC0151)
     (Status: UNKNOWN)

0128 Bytes. J. Postel. April 1971. (Format: TXT=2745 bytes) (Status:

0129 Request for comments on socket name structure. E. Harslem, J.
     Heafner, E. Meyer. April 1971. (Format: TXT=11175 bytes) (Updated by
     RFC0147) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0130 Response to RFC 111: Pressure from the chairman. J.F. Heafner.
     April 1971. (Format: TXT=2580 bytes) (Updates RFC0111) (Status:

0131 Response to RFC 116: May NWG meeting. E. Harslem, J.F. Heafner.
     April 1971. (Format: TXT=5375 bytes) (Updates RFC0116) (Status:

0132 Typographical Error in RFC 107. J.E. White. April 1971. (Format:
     TXT=1058 bytes) (Obsoleted by RFC0154) (Updates RFC0107) (Status:

0133 File Transfer and Error Recovery. R.L. Sunberg. April 1971.
     (Format: TXT=8322 bytes) (Updates RFC0114) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0134 Network Graphics meeting. A. Vezza. April 1971. (Format: TXT=2684
     bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0135 Response to NWG/RFC 110. W. Hathaway. April 1971. (Format:
     TXT=5282 bytes) (Updates RFC0110) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0136 Host accounting and administrative procedures. R.E. Kahn. April
     1971. (Format: TXT=8016 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0137 Telnet Protocol - a proposed document. T.C. O'Sullivan. April
     1971. (Format: TXT=17606 bytes) (Updated by RFC0139) (Status:

0138 Status report on proposed Data Reconfiguration Service. R.H.
     Anderson, V.G. Cerf, E. Harslem, J.F. Heafner, J. Madden, R.M.
     Metcalfe, A. Shoshani, J.E. White, D.C.M. Wood. April 1971. (Format:
     TXT=46641 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0139 Discussion of Telnet Protocol. T.C. O'Sullivan. May 1971.
     (Format: TXT=26085 bytes) (Updates RFC0137) (Updated by RFC0158)
     (Also RFC0393) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0140 Agenda for the May NWG meeting. S.D. Crocker. May 1971. (Format:
     TXT=6934 bytes) (Updated by RFC0149) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0141 Comments on RFC 114: A File Transfer Protocol. E. Harslem, J.F.
     Heafner. April 1971. (Format: TXT=3781 bytes) (Updates RFC0114)
     (Status: UNKNOWN)

0142 Time-Out Mechanism in the Host-Host Protocol. C. Kline, J. Wong.
     May 1971. (Format: TXT=4372 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0143 Regarding proffered official ICP. W. Naylor, J. Wong, C. Kline,
     J. Postel. May 1971. (Format: TXT=6963 bytes) (Obsoleted by RFC0165)
     (Updates RFC0123, RFC0145) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0144 Data sharing on computer networks. A. Shoshani. April 1971.
     (Format: TXT=13744 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0145 Initial Connection Protocol Control Commands. J. Postel. May
     1971. (Format: TXT=2490, PS=552114, PDF=15869 bytes) (Obsoletes
     RFC0127) (Obsoleted by RFC0165) (Updated by RFC0143) (Status:

0146 Views on issues relevant to data sharing on computer networks.
     P.M. Karp, D.B. McKay, D.C.M. Wood. May 1971. (Format: TXT=9828
     bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0147 Definition of a socket. J.M. Winett. May 1971. (Format: TXT=6438
     bytes) (Updates RFC0129) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0148 Comments on RFC 123. A.K. Bhushan. May 1971. (Format: TXT=1149
     bytes) (Updates RFC0123) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0149 Best Laid Plans. S.D. Crocker. May 1971. (Format: TXT=1057 bytes)
     (Updates RFC0140) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0150 Use of IPC Facilities: A Working Paper. R.B. Kalin. May 1971.
     (Format: TXT=28163 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0151 Comments on a proffered official ICP: RFCs 123, 127. A. Shoshani.
     May 1971. (Format: TXT=3623 bytes) (Updates RFC0127) (Status:

0152 SRI Artificial Intelligence status report. M. Wilber. May 1971.
     (Format: TXT=2726 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0153 SRI ARC-NIC status. J.T. Melvin, R.W. Watson. May 1971. (Format:
     TXT=8573 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0154 Exposition Style. S.D. Crocker. May 1971. (Format: TXT=1293
     bytes) (Obsoletes RFC0132) (Updates RFC0107) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0155 ARPA Network mailing lists. J.B. North. May 1971. (Format:
     TXT=11054 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC0095) (Obsoleted by RFC0168) (Status:

0156 Status of the Illinois site: Response to RFC 116. J. Bouknight.
     April 1971. (Format: TXT=1171 bytes) (Updates RFC0116) (Status:

0157 Invitation to the Second Symposium on Problems in the
     Optimization of Data Communications Systems. V.G. Cerf. May 1971.
     (Format: TXT=3159 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0158 Telnet Protocol: A Proposed Document. T.C. O'Sullivan. May 1971.
     (Format: TXT=21025, PDF=429985 bytes) (Obsoleted by RFC0495) (Updates
     RFC0139) (Updated by RFC0318) (Also RFC0393) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0159 Not Issued.

0160 RFC brief list. Network Information Center. Stanford Research
     Institute. May 1971. (Format: TXT=12173 bytes) (Obsoleted by RFC0200,
     RFC0999) (Updates NIC 6716) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0161 Solution to the race condition in the ICP. A. Shoshani. May 1971.
     (Format: TXT=2026 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0162 NETBUGGER3. M. Kampe. May 1971. (Format: TXT=3153 bytes) (Status:

0163 Data transfer protocols. V.G. Cerf. May 1971. (Format: TXT=5465
     bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0164 Minutes of Network Working Group meeting, 5/16 through 5/19/71.
     J.F. Heafner. May 1971. (Format: TXT=58597 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0165 Proffered Official Initial Connection Protocol. J. Postel. May
     1971. (Format: TXT=8488, PDF=248876 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC0145,
     RFC0143, RFC0123) (Updated by NIC7101) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0166 Data Reconfiguration Service: An implementation specification.
     R.H. Anderson, V.G. Cerf, E. Harslem, J.F. Heafner, J. Madden, R.M.
     Metcalfe, A. Shoshani, J.E. White, D.C.M. Wood. May 1971. (Format:
     TXT=42094 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0167 Socket conventions reconsidered. A.K. Bhushan, R.M. Metcalfe,
     J.M. Winett. May 1971. (Format: TXT=7643 bytes) (Also RFC0147,
     RFC0129) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0168 ARPA Network mailing lists. J.B. North. May 1971. (Format:
     TXT=13294 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC0155) (Obsoleted by RFC0211) (Status:

0169 COMPUTER NETWORKS. S.D. Crocker. May 1971. (Format: TXT=7061,
     PDF=178823 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0170 RFC List by Number. Network Information Center. Stanford Research
     Institute. June 1971. (Format: TXT=17670 bytes) (Obsoleted by
     RFC0200) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0171 The Data Transfer Protocol. A. Bhushan, B. Braden, W. Crowther,
     E. Harslem, J. Heafner, A. McKenize, J. Melvin, B. Sundberg, D.
     Watson, J. White. June 1971. (Format: TXT=20616 bytes) (Obsoleted by
     RFC0264) (Updates RFC0114) (Updated by RFC0238) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0172 The File Transfer Protocol. A. Bhushan, B. Braden, W. Crowther,
     E. Harslem, J. Heafner, A. McKenzie, J. Melvin, B. Sundberg, D.
     Watson, J. White. June 1971. (Format: TXT=21328 bytes) (Obsoleted by
     RFC0265) (Updates RFC0114) (Updated by RFC0238) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0173 Network Data Management Committee Meeting Announcement. P.M.
     Karp, D.B. McKay. June 1971. (Format: TXT=4239 bytes) (Status:

0174 UCLA - Computer Science Graphics Overview. J. Postel, V.G. Cerf.
     June 1971. (Format: TXT=5037 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0175 Comments on "Socket Conventions Reconsidered". E. Harslem, J.F.
     Heafner. June 1971. (Format: TXT=2225 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0176 Comments on "Byte size for connections". A.K. Bhushan, R.
     Kanodia, R.M. Metcalfe, J. Postel. June 1971. (Format: TXT=7269
     bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0177 Device independent graphical display description. J. McConnell.
     June 1971. (Format: TXT=20474 bytes) (Updates RFC0125) (Updated by
     RFC0181) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0178 Network graphic attention handling. I.W. Cotton. June 1971.
     (Format: TXT=24522 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0179 Link Number Assignments. A.M. McKenzie. June 1971. (Format:
     TXT=1221 bytes) (Updates RFC0107) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0180 File system questionnaire. A.M. McKenzie. June 1971. (Format:
     TXT=8154 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0181 Modifications to RFC 177. J. McConnell. July 1971. (Format:
     TXT=4892 bytes) (Updates RFC0177) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0182 Compilation of list of relevant site reports. J.B. North. June
     1971. (Format: TXT=2565 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0183 EBCDIC Codes and Their Mapping to ASCII. J.M. Winett. July 1971.
     (Format: TXT=22256, PDF=577092 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0184 Proposed graphic display modes. K.C. Kelley. July 1971. (Format:
     TXT=18678 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0185 NIC distribution of manuals and handbooks. J.B. North. July 1971.
     (Format: TXT=1406 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0186 Network graphics loader. J.C. Michener. July 1971. (Format:
     TXT=30557 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0187 Network/440 Protocol Concept. D.B. McKay, D.P. Karp. July 1971.
     (Format: TXT=25042 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0188 Data management meeting announcement. P.M. Karp, D.B. McKay.
     January 1971. (Format: TXT=3383 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0189 Interim NETRJS specifications. R.T. Braden. July 1971. (Format:
     TXT=41383 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC0088) (Obsoleted by RFC0599) (Updated
     by RFC0283) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0190 DEC PDP-10-IMLAC communications system. L.P. Deutsch. July 1971.
     (Format: TXT=18752 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0191 Graphics implementation and conceptualization at Augmentation
     Research Center. C.H. Irby. July 1971. (Format: TXT=8179 bytes)
     (Status: UNKNOWN)

0192 Some factors which a Network Graphics Protocol must consider.
     R.W. Watson. July 1971. (Format: TXT=48540 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0193 NETWORK CHECKOUT. E. Harslem, J.F. Heafner. July 1971. (Format:
     TXT=3622 bytes) (Obsoleted by RFC0198) (Updated by RFC0198) (Status:

0194 The Data Reconfiguration Service -- Compiler/Interpreter
     Implementation Notes. V. Cerf, E. Harslem, J. Heafner, B. Metcalfe,
     J. White. July 1971. (Format: TXT=32716 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0195 Data computers-data descriptions and access language. G.H. Mealy.
     July 1971. (Format: TXT=8704 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0196 Mail Box Protocol. R.W. Watson. July 1971. (Format: TXT=7016
     bytes) (Obsoleted by RFC0221) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0197 Initial Connection Protocol - Reviewed. A. Shoshani, E. Harslem.
     July 1971. (Format: TXT=7094 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0198 Site Certification - Lincoln Labs 360/67. J.F. Heafner. July
     1971. (Format: TXT=855 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC0193) (Obsoleted by
     RFC0214) (Updates RFC0193) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0199 Suggestions for a Network Data-Tablet Graphics Protocol. T.
     Williams. July 1971. (Format: TXT=18660, PDF=542961 bytes) (Status:

0200 RFC list by number. J.B. North. August 1971. (Format: TXT=19256
     bytes) (Obsoletes RFC0170, RFC0160) (Obsoleted by NIC 7724) (Status:

0201 Not Issued.

0202 Possible Deadlock in ICP. S.M. Wolfe, J. Postel. July 1971.
     (Format: TXT=2796 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0203 Achieving reliable communication. R.B. Kalin. August 1971.
     (Format: TXT=9253 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0204 Sockets in use. J. Postel. August 1971. (Format: TXT=1379 bytes)
     (Updated by RFC0234) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0205 NETCRT - a character display protocol. R.T. Braden. August 1971.
     (Format: TXT=28272 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0206 A User TELNET Description of an Initial Implementation. J. White.
     August 1971. (Format: TXT=33152, PDF=617017 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0207 September Network Working Group meeting. A. Vezza. August 1971.
     (Format: TXT=3356 bytes) (Obsoleted by RFC0212) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0208 Address tables. A.M. McKenzie. August 1971. (Format: TXT=5858
     bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0209 Host/IMP interface documentation. B. Cosell. August 1971.
     (Format: TXT=2566 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0210 Improvement of Flow Control. W. Conrad. August 1971. (Format:
     TXT=3329 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0211 ARPA Network Mailing Lists. J.B. North. August 1971. (Format:
     TXT=13205, PDF=210300 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC0168) (Obsoleted by
     RFC0300) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0212 NWG meeting on network usage. Information Sciences Institute
     University of Southern California. August 1971. (Format: TXT=4356
     bytes) (Obsoletes RFC0207) (Updated by RFC0222) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0213 IMP System change notification. B. Cosell. August 1971. (Format:
     TXT=1589 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0214 Network checkpoint. E. Harslem. August 1971. (Format: TXT=3047
     bytes) (Obsoletes RFC0198) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0215 NCP, ICP, and Telnet: The Terminal IMP implementation. A.M.
     McKenzie. August 1971. (Format: TXT=16645 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0216 Telnet Access to UCSB's On-Line System. J.E. White. September
     1971. (Format: TXT=37570, PDF=908675 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0217 Specifications changes for OLS, RJE/RJOR, and SMFS. J.E. White.
     September 1971. (Format: TXT=2956 bytes) (Updates RFC0074, RFC0105,
     RFC0122) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0218 Changing the IMP status reporting facility. B. Cosell. September
     1971. (Format: TXT=1131 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0219 User's View of the Datacomputer. R. Winter. September 1971.
     (Format: TXT=16631 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0220 Not Issued.

0221 Mail Box Protocol: Version 2. R.W. Watson. August 1971. (Format:
     TXT=9805 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC0196) (Obsoleted by RFC0278) (Status:

0222 Subject: System programmer's workshop. R.M. Metcalfe. September
     1971. (Format: TXT=4023 bytes) (Updates RFC0212) (Updated by RFC0234)
     (Status: UNKNOWN)

0223 Network Information Center schedule for network users. J.T.
     Melvin, R.W. Watson. September 1971. (Format: TXT=5369 bytes)
     (Status: UNKNOWN)

0224 Comments on Mailbox Protocol. A.M. McKenzie. September 1971.
     (Format: TXT=3583 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0225 Rand/UCSB network graphics experiment. E. Harslem, R. Stoughton.
     September 1971. (Format: TXT=13573 bytes) (Updates RFC0074) (Status:

0226 Standardization of host mnemonics. P.M. Karp. September 1971.
     (Format: TXT=2012 bytes) (Obsoleted by RFC0247) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0227 Data transfer rates (Rand/UCLA). J.F. Heafner, E. Harslem.
     September 1971. (Format: TXT=2451 bytes) (Updates RFC0113) (Status:

0228 Clarification. D.C. Walden. September 1971. (Format: TXT=715
     bytes) (Updates RFC0070) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0229 Standard host names. J. Postel. September 1971. (Format: TXT=3388
     bytes) (Obsoleted by RFC0236) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0230 Toward reliable operation of minicomputer-based terminals on a
     TIP. T. Pyke. September 1971. (Format: TXT=7040 bytes) (Status:

0231 Service center standards for remote usage: A user's view. J.F.
     Heafner, E. Harslem. September 1971. (Format: TXT=9692 bytes)
     (Status: UNKNOWN)

0232 Postponement of network graphics meeting. A. Vezza. September
     1971. (Format: TXT=899 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0233 Standardization of host call letters. A. Bhushan, R. Metcalfe.
     September 1971. (Format: TXT=3206 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0234 Network Working Group meeting schedule. A. Vezza. October 1971.
     (Format: TXT=1634 bytes) (Updates RFC0222, RFC0204) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0235 Site status. E. Westheimer. September 1971. (Format: TXT=7994
     bytes) (Obsoleted by RFC0240) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0236 Standard host names. J. Postel. September 1971. (Format: TXT=5112
     bytes) (Obsoletes RFC0229) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0237 NIC view of standard host names. R.W. Watson. October 1971.
     (Format: TXT=2212 bytes) (Obsoleted by RFC0273) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0238 Comments on DTP and FTP proposals. R.T. Braden. September 1971.
     (Format: TXT=2735 bytes) (Updates RFC0171, RFC0172) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0239 Host mnemonics proposed in RFC 226 (NIC 7625). R.T. Braden.
     September 1971. (Format: TXT=2236 bytes) (Also RFC0226, RFC0229,
     RFC0236) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0240 Site Status. A.M. McKenzie. September 1971. (Format: TXT=7948
     bytes) (Obsoletes RFC0235) (Obsoleted by RFC0252) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0241 Connecting computers to MLC ports. A.M. McKenzie. September 1971.
     (Format: TXT=3739 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0242 Data Descriptive Language for Shared Data. L. Haibt, A.P.
     Mullery. July 1971. (Format: TXT=18151 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0243 Network and data sharing bibliography. A.P. Mullery. October
     1971. (Format: TXT=12432 bytes) (Obsoleted by RFC0290) (Status:

0244 Not Issued.

0245 Reservations for Network Group meeting. C. Falls. October 1971.
     (Format: TXT=1142 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0246 Network Graphics meeting. A. Vezza. October 1971. (Format:
     TXT=856 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0247 Proffered set of standard host names. P.M. Karp. October 1971.
     (Format: TXT=7122 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC0226) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0248 Not Issued.

0249 Coordination of equipment and supplies purchase. R.F. Borelli.
     October 1971. (Format: TXT=4561 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0250 Some thoughts on file transfer. H. Brodie. October 1971. (Format:
     TXT=2446 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0251 Weather data. D. Stern. October 1971. (Format: TXT=1907 bytes)
     (Status: UNKNOWN)

0252 Network host status. E. Westheimer. October 1971. (Format:
     TXT=5531 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC0240) (Obsoleted by RFC0255) (Status:

0253 Second Network Graphics meeting details. J.A. Moorer. October
     1971. (Format: TXT=1981 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0254 Scenarios for using ARPANET computers. A. Bhushan. October 1971.
     (Format: TXT=40998, PDF=4903124 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0255 Status of network hosts. E. Westheimer. October 1971. (Format:
     TXT=4002 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC0252) (Obsoleted by RFC0266) (Status:

0256 IMPSYS change notification. B. Cosell. November 1971. (Format:
     TXT=1240 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0257 Not Issued.

0258 Not Issued.

0259 Not Issued.

0260 Not Issued.

0261 Not Issued.

0262 Not Issued.

0263 "Very Distant" Host interface. A.M. McKenzie. December 1971.
     (Format: TXT=3914 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0264 The Data Transfer Protocol. A. Bhushan, B. Braden, W. Crowther,
     E. Harslem, J. Heafner, A. McKenize, B. Sundberg, D. Watson, J.
     White. January 1972. (Format: TXT=20907 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC0171)
     (Obsoleted by RFC0354) (Updated by RFC0310) (Also RFC0265) (Status:

0265 The File Transfer Protocol. A. Bhushan, B. Braden, W. Crowther,
     E. Harslem, J. Heafner, A. McKenzie, J. Melvin, B. Sundberg, D.
     Watson, J. White. November 1971. (Format: TXT=3914 bytes) (Obsoletes
     RFC0172) (Obsoleted by RFC0354) (Updated by RFC0281, RFC0294,
     RFC0310) (Also RFC0264) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0266 Network host status. E. Westheimer. November 1971. (Format:
     TXT=3174 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC0255) (Obsoleted by RFC0267) (Status:

0267 Network Host Status. E. Westheimer. November 1971. (Format:
     TXT=7862 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC0266) (Obsoleted by RFC0287) (Status:

0268 Graphics facilities information. J. Postel. November 1971.
     (Format: TXT=1298 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0269 Some Experience with File Transfer. H. Brodie. December 1971.
     (Format: TXT=5961 bytes) (Updates RFC0122) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0270 Correction to BBN Report No. 1822 (NIC NO 7958). A.M. McKenzie.
     January 1972. (Format: TXT=1371 bytes) (Updates NIC 7959) (Status:

0271 IMP System change notifications. B. Cosell. January 1972.
     (Format: TXT=4022 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0272 Not Issued.

0273 More on standard host names. R.W. Watson. October 1971. (Format:
     TXT=4589 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC0237) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0274 Establishing a local guide for network usage. E. Forman. November
     1971. (Format: TXT=7114 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0275 Not Issued.

0276 NIC course. R.W. Watson. November 1971. (Format: TXT=1183 bytes)
     (Status: UNKNOWN)

0277 Not Issued.

0278 Revision of the Mail Box Protocol. A.K. Bhushan, R.T. Braden, E.
     Harslem, J.F. Heafner, A.M. McKenzie, J.T. Melvin, R.L. Sundberg,
     R.W. Watson, J.E. White. November 1971. (Format: TXT=7526 bytes)
     (Obsoletes RFC0221) (Status: UNKNOWN)

0279 Not Issued.