A layer that may or may not be composited

Make sure we don't crash when a layer with a touch event handler becomes non-composited

On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".

PASS rects.length is 1
PASS rects[0].hitTestRect.x is 0
PASS rects[0].hitTestRect.y is 0
PASS rects[0].hitTestRect.width is 400
PASS rects[0].hitTestRect.height is 300
PASS rects.length is 1
PASS rects[0].hitTestRect.x is 18
PASS rects[0].hitTestRect.y is 8
PASS rects[0].hitTestRect.width is 400
PASS rects[0].hitTestRect.height is 300
PASS successfullyParsed is true